Monthly Archives: February, 2024


It’s here! The scripts for my plays, “The Cabot Comedies: Four One-Act Plays featuring the First Family of American Theater,” published by Next Stage Press, are now in stock and ready for you to read.

If you’ve pre-ordered (and thank you), the script should be in the mail and on its way to you soon.

If you want to order, use this link:

To read a sample from one of the plays, follow this link:…/The-Cabot-Comedies…

To hear a short monologue from one of the plays included in the script, visit: the Theatrical Shenanigans Podcast – One-Year Anniversary Special…/one-year…/

“The Cabot Comedies” are four one-act comedies I’ve written, all featuring the Cabots, a multi-generational family of actors in the theater. Starring Virginia Cabot, the respected and lauded matriarch of the family who has been in the theater since her youth; her son, John Charles Cabot, one of the most popular actors of his time; her daughter, Veronica, an actress struggling to find her own identity not tied to the family; her son, Monty, still struggling to find his place in the theater, and her sisters, Eve and Roz, old theater pros from the barnstorming days. While these characters were initially influenced by the Barrymores, they’ve taken on a life of their own as I’ve explored the characters through these plays. I’ve read that Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O’Neill made entire biographies and copious notes about their characters; I’ve done something similar with mine.

I’d like to express my appreciation to Gene Kato, the publisher of Next Stage Press, for providing me this opportunity to get these plays out to a wider audience. My hope is that theater companies will embrace these plays and help them find their place in the theater. Also, thanks to Rachel Feeny-Williams for her support in including the monologue in her one-year anniversary of “Theatrical Shenanigans” podcast. And thanks to the Pittsburgh New Works Festival for their support of “The Great Stalinski” back when I first started writing and submitting plays. It was a thrill to hear my play performed, as it always is.

You can find my other plays on New Play Exchange: